Sunday, January 13, 2013

Menu Spesial Rendang Bebek

Rendang merupakan masakan tradisional asli Indonesia yang menggunakan santan dengan daging lembu atau kambing sebagai bahan utamanya. Sebagian orang mungkin ada yang menolak makan rendang karena terbuat dari daging lembu atau kambing, tapi bagaimana kalau rendang di buat dari Bebek sebagai bahan utamanya? Nah, Rendang Bebek akan menjadi menu spesial yang kita buat kali ini. Jadi, pastikan anda sudah memilih daging bebek yang tidak terlalu muda sebagai bahan utamanya.

Bahan yang diperlukan:

  • 1 ekor bebek segar yang sudah dipotong-potong
  • 2 buah kelapa dan sudah di ambil santannya
  • 1 ruas lengkuas
  • 1 batang serai
  • 2 lembar daun kunyit
  • Garam beserta gula (secukupnya)

Bumbu yang dihaluskan:

  • 100 gr cabai merah giling
  • 15 siung bawang merah
  • 5 siung  bawang putih
  • 1 sendok makan ketumbar

Cara membuat Rendang Bebek ala Master Chef:

Tumis bumbu halus beserta lengkuas, sereh, dan daun kunyit hingga harum. Kemudian masukkan potongan daging bebek segar yang telah dibersihkan, lalu aduk perlahan untuk mencampurkan bumbu dengan daging bebek. Setelah tercampur rata, tambahkan santan kemudian aduk kembali sampai santan mengering dan daging bebek empuk. Dan perlu diperhatikan anda tidak perlu sering mengaduk rendang bebek saat dimasak, ini dikarenakan daging bebek yang memiliki tekstur yang lembut sehingga lebih mudah hancur bila sering di aduk. Terakhir sajikan rendang bebek bersama nasi putih yang masih mengepul hangat.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Menu Special Nasi Uduk Jakarta

Nasi uduk merupakan salah satu koleksi masakan khas dari Betawi yang sudah turun-temurun menjadi ikon Ibukota. Nasi uduk Jakarta atau Nasi uduk Betawi ini sudah terkenal kelezatannya. Nasi ini merupakan sajian nasi lengkap dengan aneka lauk-pauknya. Bahkan banyak yang mengatakan, nasi ini merupakan kuliner asli dari Betawi.

Bahan yang diperlukan:

  • 400 gram beras putih (di cuci bersih)
  • 500 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa
  • 1 sendok teh garam
  • 2 lembar daun salam
  • 2 batang serai yang ambil bagian putihnya saja lalu dimemarkan
  • 2 lembar daun pandan yang cuci bersih lalu di ikat membentuk simpul

Sajian Pelengkap:

  • Ayam goreng
  • Irisan telur dadar
  • Tempe goreng
  • Bawang goreng
  • Sambal kacang

Cara Membuat Nasi Uduk Jakarta Ala Master Chef:

Rebus beras beserta santan, garam, daun salam, serai dan juga daun pandan. Lalu sesekali di aduk rata hingga santan meresap dan tampak sedikit mengering. Kemudian angkat dan pindahkan beras yang sudah direbus tadi ke dandang. Lalu selanjutnya kukus nasi selama kurang lebih 30 menit dengan api sedang atau hingga matang. Terakhir angkat nasi uduk, buang daun salam, serai dan daun pandan lalu sajikan hangat dengan pelengkapnya.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gulai Telur

Gulai Telur is the nice spicy Padang style eggs


8 eggs
2 cups (500 ml) thick coconut milk
½ turmeric leaf, shredded (optional)
1 tablespoon tamarind juice (see our sambal recipe)
½ teaspoon salt
Crispy Fried Shallots (see our sambal ), to garnis (optional)

Spice Paste

1 in (2 ½ cm) fresh galangal, peeled and sliced
½ in (1 cm) fresh turmeric, peeled and sliced, or ½ teaspoon ground turmeric
1 in (2 ½ cm) fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
2 to 4 bird’s-eye chilies, deseeded
5 shallots, peeled
3 cloves garlic, peeled

Cooking Direction:

1. Prepare the Crispy Fried Shallots (if using) by following the recipe on sambal categories
2. Boil the eggs for 7 to 8 minutes until hard, then drain plunge into a basin of cold water to cool. Peel the eggs and set aside.
3. Prepare the Spice Paste by grinding all the ingredients coarsely in a mortar or blender and adding a little coconut milk if necessary to keep the mixture turning. Set aside.
4. Bring the coconut milk slowly to aboil in a wok or saucepan. Add the Spice paste and turmeric leaf (if using), mix well and simmer for 2 minutes. Reduce the heat to low, add the eggs and continue to simmer uncovered until the sauce thickens, 8 to 10 minutes. Season with the tamarind juice and salt, simmer for 1 more minute and remove from the heat. Serve hot garnished with Crispy Fried Shallots.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nasi Goreng

Nasgor or Nasi Goreng is Indonesian fried rice. This dish can be enjoyed by itself or as the basis of a larger meal, for example with a rijsttafel. It is very easy to make and won't take more than 20 minutes to prepare.


350 gr. Long Grain Rice
2 Tbs. Vegetable Oil
3 Eggs
1 Onion
2 Green Chillis, Sambal Ulek or Sambal Badjak.
1 Garlic Clove
1 Leek
1 teaspoon Ground Coriander
1 teaspoon Ground Cumin
250 gr. Chicken meat
250 gr. Shelled Prawns
3 Tbs. Kecap Manis


This dish is best made from cold leftover rice, but you can cook a fresh batch and leave it to cool for at least 4 hours.
Beat the eggs and make into a omelette, slice into strips and set aside.
Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add the chopped onion, leek, garlic and chillis. Fry until the onion is soft. Add the Coriander and Cumin. Slice Chicken into strips and add with the prawns to the onion mixture and cook, stirring occasionally until they are well mixed. Add the rice, soya sauce and omelet strips and cook for a further 5 minutes.Decorate with some of the leftover leek and serve hot. Enjoy.

Bami Goreng

Fried egg noodles. Favourite Lunch or light Supper dish


350 gr. Medium Egg noodles
100 gr. Diced Pork Fillet
50 gr. Small Prawns
1 medium Onion
2 Cloves of Garlic
1 Carrot
1 Small Leek
2 tsp. Sambal ulek
1 tsp. Trassi (shrimp paste)
3 tbs. Kecap Manis
3 tbs. Oil
Pepper & Salt


Boil the noodles, using the instructions on the packet. Rinse and set aside.
Heat your wok and add the oil. Stir-fry the diced Onion and Garlic for 1 min. Add the meat, prawns, trassi and sambal ulek and fry for a further 3 min.Add the finely sliced carrots and leek and fry for 4 more min. Add the Noodles and Kecap Manis.
Use pepper and salt as needed and stir-fry for a further 4 min.
Serve hot. Delicious with Hot Peanut sauce.

Opor Ayam

Chicken stew with a rich, aromatic coconut gravy.


1 chicken (1 to 1½ kg)
8 tablespoons groundnut oil
1 large onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon trassi
200 ml water
1 dessertspoon goela Djawa
300 ml Coconut milk
pepper, salt & kecap manis

Ingredients Special:

4 kemiri nuts
1 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon laos powder
½ teaspoon turmeric


Divide the chicken into 4 equal portions, wash and dry. Rub in pepper and salt.
Dice the onion and crush the garlic.
Crush or grate the kemiri nuts and mix with the coriander, cumin, laos and turmeric.

In a thick bottomed pan, heat the oil and fry the chicken on all sides to a golden colour. Reduce the heat slightly and add the onions and garlic, stir until the onion is cooked and nicely browned. Add the bumbu's and fry for a further 2 minutes then add the trassi and fry for a further minute.
Now add the water and goela Djawa to the pan. Bring to the boil and cover the pan with a lid and simmer the chicken on a low heat for a further 30 minutes until well done.
Remove lid and add the coconut milk and, leaving the lid of the pan, reduce the sauce to about half. Bring to taste with pepper, salt or kecap manis.

Serve with boiled rice and atjar.

Daging Rendang

Spicy Indonesian beef dish in an almost dry coconut sauce. Suitable as a main or side dish.


500 gr. Rump steak.
2 Onions.
4 Garlic cloves.
3 Fresh red chillies.
2½ cm Ginger root.
1 teaspoon Turmeric.
1 tablespoon Paprika.
1 stalk Lemon grass.
3 Lime leaves.
600 ml Coconut milk.
75 ml water.


Put the Onions, Garlic, Chillies, Ginger, Paprika, Turmeric and Water in a food processor and make into a smooth paste.
Dice the meat and mix with half the paste. Set aside.
Put the other half of the paste into a heavy sauce pan and add the coconut milk, chopped lemon grass and lime leaves. Boil without the lid for about 30 min. until mixture is reduced to half. Add the meat mixture and return to boil. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered, stirring regulary, for a further hour till the steak is tender. Serve with boiled rice.
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